    Protecting your intellectual investment
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Echelon IP is a legal firm specializing in the acquisition and management of intellectual property. Please click on one of the following links:

What is IP? --- A brief introduction to the concepts of intellectual property
Services --- The services we provide
Specialties --- A description of fields of specialty which Echelon IP practices in
Getting Started --- Some information that may be of help in knowing where to start with your efforts
External Resources --- Some references to resources apart from this website
News --- News that may be informative to our readers
Contact --- How to reach us

Why does the Echelon IP logo have the funny star shape? The star shape was used in fortresses built in the 18th and 19th centuries to improve their defensive characteristics against cannonfire. That shape is symbolic of a main purpose of Echelon IP of providing protection where valuable assets are located.

DISCLAIMER: The information presented on this website is not suitable to use as legal advice; it is intended only to acquaint interested persons with concepts of an introductory nature such that a productive conversation with a legal professional can be held. Do not use the information here in substitution for the assistance of a competent legally-trained professional.

© Echelon IP LLC